
A civil action, other than an appeal from the court of limited jurisdiction, is subject to arbitration if one of the following apply:

  • The sole relief sought is a money judgment and no party asserts a claim in excess of $50,000 exclusive of attorney’s fees, interest and costs.
  • The sole relief sought is a money judgment and the parties contend the claim exceeds $50,000 but waive any claim in excess of $50,000 for the purposes of arbitration.

To begin this process, a “Note for Trial Setting and Initial Statement of Arbitrability” form or a “Statement of Arbitrability” form must be filed along with a $250 filing fee, pursuant to RCW 36.18.016(25). Any party in disagreement or unwilling to stipulate to arbitration must serve and file a “Response to Statement of Arbitration” form within fourteen (14) days.

After fourteen (14) days of a Statement of Arbitrability being filed, Court Administration will file a “Notice of Arbitration,” providing a list of arbitrators and instructions to complete either a “Stipulation of Arbitrator” form or an “Arbitrator Strike List” form within fourteen (14) days.

After fourteen (14) days of the filing of the “Notice of Arbitration,” Court Administration will file a “Notice of Arbitrator Appointment.” This will provide the name of the arbitrator for the case and provide instructions to file a “Notice of Arbitration Hearing” form within 14 days. The hearing can be continued at the party’s’ discretion by filing an “Amended Notice of Arbitration Hearing” form.

After the Arbitration Hearing is held, an “Arbitration Award” form must be completed and filed within fourteen (14) days. A party may file a “Request for Trial De Novo” form within twenty (20) days of the filing of an “Arbitration Award” to appeal the award.

An “Arbitration Settlement” form may be filed at any time of the arbitration process, should the parties agree to a settlement.


1. Note for Trial Setting and Initial Statement of Arbitribility
2. Response to Statement of Arbitrability
3. Arbitrator Strike List
4. Arbitrator Stipulation
5. Notice of Available Hearing Dates
6. Notice of Arbitration Hearing
7. Amended Notice of Arbitration Hearing
8. Arbitration Award
9. Arbitration Settlement
10. Arbitrator Request for Compensation
11. Request for Trial De Novo