Lower Kittitas County District Court


Anti-Harassment Filing Fee$83
Appeal Court Filing Fee$230
Appeal Record Prep.$40
Civil Filing Fee$83
Civil Counterclaim Filing Fee$83
Name Change Filing Fee$83
Auditor Record Fee$203.50
Small Claims Filing Fee$50
SC Counterclaim Filing Fee$50
Supplemental Filing Fee$20
Transcript of Judgment$20
Vehicle Impound Filing Fee$83
SC Counterclaim Filing Fee$50
Supplemental Filing Fee$20
Transcript of Judgment$20
Vehicle Impound Filing Fee$83
Writ of Garnishment Filing Fee$12
Extension of Civil Judgment Filing Fee$53
Civil Jury Demand Filing Fee$125
Ex Parte Order Service Fee$20
Copy W/O a Seal of Court Record Document that is in Paper Format$.50/page
Copy W/O a Seal of Court Record Document that is in Electronic Format$.25/page
Certified Paper Copy of Court Record Document in any Format (addition to per page cost)$5/document
Copy of Electronic Recording of Court Proceeding$10/compact disc
Copy of Court Administrative Record$.15/page
Research and preparation SVCs required to fulfill a court administrative records request taking longer than one hour (to be assessed from the second hour onward)$30/hr