Contact Information

Public Health Nurse, 509-962-7515

Travel Consultations

Travel consultations help travelers stay safe and healthy while traveling abroad and prevent communicable diseases from spreading.

Services Offered

A specially-trained public health nurse reviews immunization histories, recommends vaccines, and provides site-specific health education and information about international travel. Call 509-962-7515 to make an appointment, and plan to spend 60-90 minutes with the nurse. A fee of $130 is charged for international travel consultation plus the price of an vaccinations administered. We recommend that you make an appointment at least two months prior to travel, if possible. Multiple vaccinations may be recommended and an appropriate amount of time must pass for a vaccine to become effective after it is given.

Payment is due at the time of visit. We are only able to accept cash and personal checks. We can provide a copy of the billing sheet for submission to a private insurance company, if requested.

The international travel clinic consultation is conducted by a specially trained public health nurse and will include as applicable for your travel:

  1. A comprehensive review of your itinerary and your immunization history.
  2. A comprehensive review of recommended and required vaccinations for your trip.
  3. Education regarding food and water safety and signs and symptoms of food-borne illness.
  4. Education regarding mosquito precautions and mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever. Also, a determination will be made whether malaria prophylaxis is recommended.
  5. Education regarding prevention of other vector-borne diseases such as schistosomiasis, filariasis and tick-borne encephalitis.
  6. Education regarding preventing animal bites, rabies precautions and rabies prophylaxis.
  7. Education regarding prevention and vaccination from other illnesses spread by human to human contact including Hepatitis A and B, meningococcal disease, HIV, measles, and others.

What to know before you go...

You are planning the trip of a lifetime. You've been busy preparing. You've considered every detail...or have you? Traveling to locations outside the U.S. means the possibility of coming into contact with diseases that are harmful and potentially fatal. This may be especially true for specific populations, such as the elderly, pregnant women and children. In many cases, you can significantly reduce the risk of acquiring various diseases or health problems while traveling internationally. Obtaining a travel consultation from a trained public health professional can provide education regarding recommended and required vaccinations and other information about preventing diseases and decreasing risk of illness while abroad.

These recommendations vary according to a person's specific itinerary, the length of travel, time of year of travel, an individual's personal health history and the activities an individual expects to engage in while traveling. Due to complexity of these recommendations, advice or information cannot be provided over the telephone.

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