Wildland Urban Interface

Where are the wildland urban interface (WUI) areas?

All of unincorporated Kittitas County is identified as a Wildland Urban Interface area.

What is fire flow?

The flow rate of a water supply, measured at 20 psi residual pressure that is used for fire fighting. The criterion of 20 psi residual pressure is used because that is the minimum pressure recommended for fire engines and provides a consistent point from which to measure the available flow.

What is the main objective of WUI?

The WUI mitigates damage and risk to life and property and reduces the risk of forest fires due to structure fires in hazard areas (and vice versa). Fuel reduction at the interface between natural lands and developments can reduce the intensity of the fires before they enter populated areas within the wild-land urban interface.

Research has shown that the most important factors influencing building survival during a wildfire are fire intensity, vegetation characteristics, building materials, and maintaining a defensible space. Strategies for protecting homes from wildfires have been developed with these factors in mind.

Wildland-Urban Interface Modification Criteria Advisory Committee Page