2018 Master Plan

The purpose of the Bowers Field (Airport) Airport Master Plan is to define the current, short-term, and long-term needs of the airport through a comprehensive evaluation of facilities, conditions, and FAA airport planning and design standards. The study also addresses elements of local planning (land use, transportation, environmental, economic development, etc.) that have the potential of affecting the planning, development, and operation of the airport. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B “Airport Master Plans” defines the specific requirements and evaluation methods established by FAA for the study. This project updates and replaces two existing FAA-funded airport plans for Bowers Field: the Bowers Field Airfield Needs Assessment (2012) and the Bowers Field Airport Master Plan Update (2004).

00_Cover and Table of Contents
01_Chapter 1 - Introduction and Project Overview
02_Chapter 2 - Inventory of Existing Conditions
03_Chapter 3 - Aviation Activity Forecasts
04_Chapter 4 - Airport Facility Requirements
05_Chapter 5 - Environmental Review
06_Chapter 6 - Airport Development Alternatives
07_Chapter 7 - Airport Layout Drawings
08_Chapter 8 - Airport Land Use Compatibility
09_Chapter 9 - Airport Financial Plan
10_Chapter 10 - Planning for Compliance and Solid Waste Recycling Plan
11_Appendix A
12_Appendix B
13_Appendix C
14_Appendix D
15_Appendix E
16_Appendix F
17_Appendix G
18_Appendix H
19_Glossary of Terms, List of Acronyms and Back Cover

Bowers Field Airport Master Plan Update