
For more information about these projects, you may contact:

Public Works Department

Kittitas County Public Works
411 North Ruby Street, Suite 1
Ellensburg, WA 98926
509-962-7663 fax

Open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM

Public Works Projects

This page provides information on projects that our department is building today (Construction), projects we are designing for future construction (Design), and projects we are planning on building once funding is obtained (Planning & Programming).


Once a Public Works projected is designed and bid documents have been prepared, it is ready for construction. Public Works starts this process by advertising for a contractor, unless it is a project that our own forces have the expertise to build. After the workers are signed-on, the physical construction of the project begins!

The construction work is performed under the supervision of the County's Construction Manager.

For persons wishing to bid on a construction project, please contact the Kittitas Public Works Department (Contact) for plans and specifications.


Once Public Works projects are identified, staff begins design. Staff must consider any grant requirements, environmental issues, right-of-way, acquisitions, and expected schedule. While County staff handles most aspects of the design, the expertise of an engineering consultant is often used. All work is performed under the supervision of the County Engineer.

Planning & Programming

The first step in developing a Public Works project is to identify what is most needed and can be reasonably funded. This is referred to as the planning and programming phase. Planning and programming projects is performed under the supervision of the Transportation Manager.

Public Works uses traffic data, documentation of maintenance problems, geometric information, and many other resources when planning for future projects. All of the identified improvements are then rated with the highest priority given to those that would provide the greatest benefit to the public. The top projects that have a dedicated or likely funding source are programmed in the Six-Year Transportation Plan and Annual Construction Program. The overall goals and policies for the County's transportation system and potential projects for the next twenty years are described in the County's Long Range Transportation Plan.

Most projects in the Planning stages are shown only by a location map as they are still being developed.

Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan

Kittitas County shows the transportation improvements it plans on making during the next six years in its Six-Year Transportation Plan. The main source of funding for projects listed in the Six-Year TIP is the County Road Fund. This fund is generated partly by County property tax paid by Kittitas County property owners and motor vehicle fuel tax designated for Kittitas County. Additionally, various State and Federal transportation grants finance road projects.

Annual Construction Program

The first year of improvements are also summarized in another report called the Annual Construction Program. It is updated at least once a year in coordination with the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan.

Long Range Transportation Plan

The Long Range Transportation Plan presents an overview of the County's transportation system and provides strategies and guidance for transportation improvements during the current 20-year period. It also provides detailed information for the Kittitas County Comprehensive Plan, and is updated about once every 7 years coinciding with the County's Comprehensive Plan update. Kittitas County also participates in the Quad County Regional Transportation Organization called QUADCO, whose Regional Transportation Plan is included below for further information.

Planning and programming reports